Runly provides OSS components to integrate your frontend applications. These components are implemented using multiple frameworks & libraries and packaged in a variety of ways to allow you to seamlessly include them in your current workflow. Whether you have a build step for your JS or you just include script tags on server-rendered pages, we support you. ✊


You will need to generate public API keys to be able to integrate your application with Runly UI. These API keys allow you to authenticate to the Runly Platform API. Since you will probably be using these components in a public environment (the browser), make sure any API keys you use with Runly UI are public. Learn more about API key access.


These component libraries are built on a ladder. This means you can choose to integrate your application on any rung of that ladder. Whether you value ease of use or maximum customization, you can find a package that meets your needs.

We provide our packages on the public npm registry under our organization name, @runly.

Core Packages

These packages provide no components, only bare methods to connect to the Runly API. You can use these packages to easily authenticate and connect to the Runly API but build your own customized UI.


This package provides a number of React Hooks that can be used to retrieve data from the Runly Platform API.

Learn more about @runly/ui.

Themed Components


React components implemented using the Bootstrap component library.

Learn more about the runly.js Bootstrap integration.


This integration is intended for maximum ease-of-use for server-rendered pages that have very little scripting already on the page.

This script is only available via CDN.

Learn more about the runly.js HTML integration.

Other Integrations

Don’t see a framework or library you were really hoping to see? Let us know by opening an issue. Tell us which framework or library you would like to see Runly UI implemented in and why it is awesome.

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