The Runly CLI (aka the node application) can be used to run a node on your machine. See the Installation Guide.


Lists the packages found in the local package cache.


runly list [-v] [-p]


  • -v (verbose) - Optional. Displays detailed package information.
  • -p (jobs) - Optional. Displays the list of jobs in each package. When combined with -v, displays the config type and default config for each job.


Clears the local package cache, causing packages to be downloaded for future runs.


runly clear

Start Node

Starts a node to run jobs on this machine, connecting to the Runly API using the cluster key provided by the -k parameter or the key stored using the command runly set-apikey.


runly start-node [-k] [-d] [-v]


  • -k (key) - Optional. The cluster key used to authenticate with the Runly API. If not specified the default API key set by the command runly set-apikey is used.
  • -d (debug) - Optional. Runs jobs with the debug flag, prompting the user to attach a debugger.
  • -v (verbose) - Optional. Displays debug level logging instead of information level logging.

Set API Key

Stores the cluster API key in the user’s profile.


runly set-apikey ApiKey [-s]


  • ApiKey - Required. The cluster key used to authenticate with the Runly API when starting a node.
  • -s (system profile) - Optional. In Windows, writes the API key to the system profile (%SystemRoot%\System32\config\systemprofile) instead of current user’s profile. This will set the API key for the node service when it is running as Local System. This flag is ignored on non-Windows platforms.


This command creates a settings file that is stored in the user’s local non-roaming application data folder. Setting a key is both user and machine specific, so no other user on the machine will have access to it and the settings file will not transfer to another machine the user logs onto.