Once you upload a package to your organization, Runly needs to discover which jobs exist in the package. It accomplishes this by running a System job called the PackageInspector. Until the PackageInspector runs for that package, the package status will show up as Pending.

This means that Runly does not know which jobs exist in the package and you will not be able to queue any jobs from the package until Runly is able to discover them.

Runly will queue the PackageInspector job to your default environment. Runly does not ever directly run your code. Discovering jobs involves running the package you uploaded on one of your nodes and reading the job information. You will need to make sure to connect a node to your default environment to run the PackageInspector.

Run Locally

If you are curious, you can simulate what Runly does locally by running:

myjobapp list -j

on your job app which will output something like this:

	"clientVersion": "1.0.0",
	"jobs": [
			"JobType": "Runly.GettingStarted.Census.PlaceImporter",
			"ConfigType": "Runly.GettingStarted.Census.CensusConfig",
			"DefaultConfig": {
				"baseUrl": "http://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/reference/codes/files/",
				"job": "Runly.GettingStarted.Census.PlaceImporter"
			"Assembly": "Runly.GettingStarted",
			"CanRun": true,
			"Errors": "None"